mardi 18 septembre 2007

Plat : Miz sur Rez 2, Manche de l'espace de Wii et R$-al.gore

<p><img alt="ashcraftmiz.jpg" src="" width="520" height="389" class="postimg center"/>While chatting with Tetsuya <a rel="nofollow" class="tagautolink" title="Posts tagged as mizuguchi" target="_blank" href="">Mizuguchi</a>, we touched on a variety of things. Things that matter. Like new <i><a rel="nofollow" class="tagautolink" title="Posts tagged as rez" target="_blank" href="">Rez</a></i>, more Ulala and Al Gore. What would be better than <i>Rez</i> remake? A <i>Rez</i> sequel. Miz didn't explicitly mention a totally new <i>Rez</i>, but did hint at his interest in doing a <i>Rez</i> sequel. So, why start off with the HD port? </p> <blockquote>
I've heard from many who want to play the original <i>Rez</i>, but couldn't buy it in stores anymore. I feel that's the big reason why we're releasing <i>Rez</i> now. I can't say we're doing <i>Rez 2</i>. I am ready to go to the next level. Sequels are a good approach, and <i>Rez</i> is a life theme for me.
Does that mean <i>Rez 2</i>, <i>Rez 3</i> and <i>Rez 3</i>? Who knows! Miz does! And another thing he might know about is a <a rel="nofollow" class="tagautolink" title="Posts tagged as wii" target="_blank" href="">Wii</a> version of <i><a rel="nofollow" class="tagautolink" title="Posts tagged as space channel 5" target="_blank" href="">Space Channel 5</a></i>. Just think of Wii-mote dancing possibilities. When we put the question straight to Mizuguchi, he seems geniuely surprised, stating:
Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh... (grabs heart) Give me water... The Wii is special. It's not such a high def direction, but it's a fun direction as a future toy. That kind of idea always stimulates us in our ideas. This [the Wii] is another direction. </blockquote>
When pushed, he would neither confirm or deny a new Wii version of the game &mdash; instead, choosing to sweat it out. But hey, Miz can take the heat. He's worked with Al Gore. For the recent Live Earth concert, Mizuguchi filmed a hologram clip with the former Vice President to be used in a Live Earth stage show with artist audio visual hybrid group Genki Rockets. Since Al Gore is a busy man, and busy men have busy schedules, he was available for exactly 17 minutes for video capture in New York City. Was Miz nervous about meeting Gore?
No, I wasn't nervous. He was nervous. During the filming, I had to give him direction like "relax." </blockquote>
And what did Mizuguchi and Gore talk about between takes? "Global warming."
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